Documentation/ Utilities

Available Classes


Class Description
.util-align-left Floats an element to the left of the content with spacing.
.util-align-center Centers and element on the page with spacing.
.util-align-right Floats an element to the right of the content with spacing.


Checkout the colors docs for a list of available classes.


Class Description
.util-display-none Hides an element by setting display none. * Can be responsive
.util-block Sets an element to display block. * Can be responsive
.util-inline Sets an element to display inline.
.util-inline-block Sets an element to display inline-block.
.util-visually-hidden Visually hides an element by hidding it off screen. The element is still visible to assistive technologies. * Can be responsive
.util-delist Removes the list styles from ordered and unordered lists.


Class Description
.util-clearfix Prevents an element from collapsing due to margins for floated contents.
.util-scrollable-content Allows for the contents of an element to have a horizontal scroll if needed.
.util-delist Removes the list styles from ordered and unordered lists.
.util-underline-hover Adds a text underline when an element is hovered.
.util-delink Removes link styles from and element.
.util-full-width Sets the width of an element to 100%.


Class Description
.util-position-fixed Sets the position of an element to be fixed.
.util-position-absolute Sets the position of an element to be absolute.
.util-position-relative Sets the position of an element to be relative.
.util-position-static Sets the position of an element to be static.
.util-position-{side}-{direction}-{size} Sets the positioning of an element in accordance with the provided values.
Valid sides are top and left.
Valid directions are pos and neg.
Valid sizes are md (1em), lg (5em), and xl (8em).
* Can be responsive


Class Description
.util-text-center Centers the text of an element.
.util-text-right Right aligns the text of an element.
.util-text-left Left aligns the text of an element.
.util-text-bold Styles the text with a bold font-weight.
.util-text-italic Styles the text with an italic font.

Font Size

These classes can be applied to text elements to change their size.

Class Description
.util-font-size-xs Changes font size to 1.125em. * Can be responsive
.util-font-size-sm Changes font size to 1.375em. * Can be responsive
.util-font-size-md Changes font size to 1.625em. * Can be responsive
.util-font-size-lg Changes font size to 1.75em. * Can be responsive
.util-font-size-xl Changes font size to 2.25em. * Can be responsive
.util-font-size-xxl Changes font size to 2.5em. * Can be responsive
.util-font-size-xxxl Changes font size to 4em. * Can be responsive

Font Family

Class Description
.util-font-family-serif Sets font family to 'Merriweather', serif.
.util-font-family-sans Sets font family to 'Oswald', sans-serif.
.util-font-family-alt Sets font family to 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif.

Ordered Lists

Class Description
.util-list-upper-alpha Sets the ordered list to use uppercase letters.
.util-list-lower-alpha Sets the ordered list to use lowercase letters.
.util-list-leading-zero Sets the ordered list to use digits with a leading zero on the 0-9 characters.
.util-list-upper-roman Sets the ordered list to use uppercase Roman numerals.
.util-list-lower-roman Sets the ordered list to use lowercase Roman numerals.

* Responsive Classes

Some utility classes have the option to be responsive. To adjust what breakpoint a class starts to be in use you can add @sm, @md, @lg, @xl at the end of the class:

VueJS Functionality

The v-cloak directive is enabled via the .v-cloak css class.